Gaza Sky Geeks


Solution Presentation

Gaza Sky Geeks founded in 2011, now it’s the first combined co-working space, freelance academy, startup accelerator, and code academy in Palestine. They are focused on serving learning and earning needs of the young people impacted by conflicts, blockade, high rate of unemployment, and humanitarian crisis.

Gaza Sky Geeks provides community members with a fiber internet connection, 12 hours of stable power, access to ongoing workshops, events, and resources. They bring together online freelancers, outsourcers, and startup founders together under one roof to share ideas, innovate, code, and geek out!
Location: Palestine
NLG Presentation slide deck

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Solution Presenters


Ahmad Al Rantisi  
Ahmed is a science geek who loves to deal with numbers, he holds a BA in physics from the IUG, after his graduation from college, He joined the freelance academy with complete commitment to both learning and implementing what he learns, he acquired the freelance skills through the freelance academy and started working as a full-time freelancer in both content writing and building mathematical models

The freelance program at GSG is life changing experience, with full commitment to both learning and practicing you’ll definitely be the next busy freelancer.
— Ahmad Al Rantisi

Saed Habib
Previously, Saed worked as a Full-Time Freelancer with over 60 international companies and successfully completed over 130 projects. He also worked as a Project Manager for a Norwegian company, where he managed their I.T projects and development team. He graduated from the Islamic University of Gaza with a BA degree in Information Technology, during his studies he managed to work with international organizations such as MercyCorps as a Freelancing Mentor, World Health Organization as a Web development Intern and UNRWA as an Information Systems Assistant. Saed currently managing the Freelance program in Gaza Sky Geeks

Gaza Sky Geeks hasn’t only changed my life, but also unleashed the creativity inside me.
— Saed Habib

Shahenaz Monia
Shahenaz is a Software engineer and graduated in 2016. She was the CTO of a startup called Dietti, helping women with weight and health issues connect with specialist in addition to providing nutrition solutions and a diverse content. She actively engaged with the Code Academy-Gaza after graduating, in mentoring following cohorts, leading studentsteams, and is currently the first woman to go from Gaza to the campus in Hebron/Khaleel to work as a full stack developer-in-residence.

If you ask all Gaza Sky Geeks code academy graduates they would tell you how the whole experience has changed their lives. For me, if you compare the old me from 2 years ago and the woman I am now - I’m a whole different person!
— Shahenaz Monia